Saturday... Being useless, I missed both the England and The Lion's rugby matches much to my utter devastation. Went out for my birthday with the family to the local Italian. Filled our mouths with after dinner mints and proceeded to walk home spitting them at each other. Mum started it. We had a garden party in the dark, Dad worked the living room / patio as the DJ, cold white wine a-plenty, fun times. Tom - you owe me money still.
Sunday... Seems so far away now, but the shame I encountered on my way home from Somerfields past the Bookham Baptist Church is still fairly immense. Accidentally mooned the entire congregation walking past when a strong gust of wind got the better of my dress. Sorry Vicar! Sincere apologies. Morning was definitely broken after that.
Monday... Reggie (my cat) got Chlamydia of the eye. Can you believe it? An STD in the eye. What on earth has he been doing? It's nothing to do with the company I keep I can assure you!
Tuesday... I caught Reggie behind my bedroom door strangling himself on a brown paper shopping bag. Luckily I was on hand to save him. Maybe it was the stress and the shame of the Chlamydia that drove him to try to hang himself. Delilah is just too cool for STDs and attempted suicides. I left them to it and went round Erika's for a BBQ. I got lost on the way. Well, we do live in the country.
Wednesday... I went shopping in Knightsbridge and came to the conclusion that in general, (sweeping statements) the people of Knightsbridge need slaps. Apart from the nice lady behind the Clinique make-up counter in Harrods. She was lovely. And looked like she'd already been slapped, in the face, with too much make up.
Thursday... Was quite a good day in all - VOTED, (did we shiiiiit) then went to High Wycombe to headline at the Nag's Head. AND they had a jukebox. Although what is it with these new jukeboxes? They have such a poor selection of songs on them. I thought they linked up to itunes or something now a-days. Got back home late. Had a crank. Not really.
Friday... I've just come back from lunching with one of my bestest pals Risa. Running a bath. Heading out for a chinese and some drinks in Esher with my sister. Making the most of Surrey! Hoorah.
...What a dire read. Who reads this anyway?! Hahahahaha... I salute you, if you do! x
Friday, 5 June 2009
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